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Accumulation of Ink

Accumulation of ink is the ink deposited on the roller, plate or blanket. Why is that? In addition to the sheets reason, that is ink, printing press and edition pressure.

Accumulation of ink is common in printing yellow ink, This is because the proportion of the yellow pigment in the ink is large, it may be in the yellow sublimation ink proportion accounted for 75%. Accumulation of ink on the blanket, the pigment was separated state, printing color looks inconsistent, which is due to: ① poor dispersion of ink; ② thick ink film; ③ excessively dilute the ink, too thin binders; ④ printing pressure is not real.

Treatment methods: ① check the printing pressure and pad; ② the amount of ink to be appropriate; ③ replace with new ink.

In addition, there are a lot of factors that cause accumulation of ink, improper handling can also be one reason.

Sublimation Ink

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